1. Milestones in Modern Finance1.1 Origin of Modern Finance1.2 First Revolution on Wall Street1.3 Second Revolution on Wall Street1.4 Frontiers2. Why Need Finance2.1 Micro view: time, risk and information2.2 Macro View: Economic Growth2.3 Elements of Financial Innovation2.4 Overview of Theoretical Asset Pricing & Empirical Finance
1. Milestones in Modern Finance
1.1 Origin of Modern Finance
One controversial issue: Are stock prices predictable?
Charles Dow: “The price-waves, like those of the sea, do not recede at once from the top. The force which moves them checks the inflow gradually and time elapses before it can be told with certainty whether the tide has been seen or not.”
Cowles: Whether stock prices are predictable is doubtful.
Bachelier: “The theory of speculation”, “The dynamic of the exchange will never be an exact science” ⇒ Stochastic process.
1.2 First Revolution on Wall Street
While Keynes emphasizes the importance of concentration, Markovitz proposed portfolio selection theory. Then the Separation Theorem is proposed by Tobin. And finally, Treynor-Sharpe-Lintner-Mossin proposed CAPM.
1.3 Second Revolution on Wall Street
In 1958, Modigliani & Miller proposed “Change in capital structure and dividend policy have no impact on the overall valuation of a corporation” (MM theory).
In 1973, Black, Scholes and Merton proposed Black-Sholes Option Pricing.
In 1976, Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is proposed.
1.4 Frontiers
Behavioral Finance
In 1979, Kahneman & Tversky proposed “When it comes to money and investing, we’re not always as rational as we think we are.”
Two “legs” of behavioral finance: Irrationality, limits to arbitrage.
The fintech startups are designed to be a threat to traditional banks, e.g. Crowdfunding, P2P, Cryptocurrencies.
2. Why Need Finance
Financial system is a set of institutions and markets permitting the exchange of funds.
2.1 Micro view: time, risk and information
Desynchronization: Time Dimension
Financial system disassociate consumption and income across time:
- Life-cycle patterns of income and consumption are not identical
- Arbitrage over time: accept a small income for a period of time in exchange for the prospect of high returns in the future
Asset holing permits the desynchronization.
Desynchronization: Risk Dimension
Financial market can reduce or eliminate risk using diversification, insurance and hedge.
Desynchronization: Information
One example of information revelation:
Assume there are one risky asset and two investors:
- Investor I receives signals
- Investor II receives signals
The state-probability matrix is
Prior probability for state Up is , thus the fair price for is
Now assume investor I receives signal A, investor II receives signal :
- If this is public information:
- fair price =
- If this is private information:
- For investor I:
- fair price = , which means he will buy the stock when P < 4 and sell the stock when P > 4
- For investor II:
- fair price = , which means he will buy the stock when P < 5.3 and sell the stock when P > 5.3
For other information pairs, we can get fair price pairs similarly.
Trading transactions will lead to information revelation. If investor I receive signal A, he will buy the stock when P < 4 and sell the stock when P > 4. If investor I receives signal B, he will buy the stock when P < 5.3 and sell the stock when P > 5.3.
Thus, the investor II can infer the infomation of the investor I from his transaction and so can investor I. Then both fair prices of them is the fair price when full information price is obtained, i.e. 6.
2.2 Macro View: Economic Growth
Financial system is to channel funds from savers to investors. The positive association between saving and growth rate depends on a Ceteris paribus clause.
Issues of Chinese Economic Policies
Intermediation v.s. Disintermediation
A process is needed to transfer funds from savers to investors. The least efficient system is the “double coincidence” case
When there exists an intermediation
Saving and Economic Growth
- Y: production
- FS: savings being entrusted to the financial system
- BOR: borrowed funds
- I: Investment
- K: capital
where EFF is Efficiency of the investment project and is the depreciation rate.
Decompose , we get
- increases when there are improved return/risk opportunities or screen and monitor
- increases when cash needs are reduced
- increases when administration cost or reserve gets lower
- increases when there are right saving instruments or permitting risky projects
2.3 Elements of Financial Innovation
- The intertemporal transfer of value through time ⇒ time value of money
- The ability to contract on future outcome ⇒ contingent claim
- The negotiability of claim ⇒ a legal structure that allows the transferability of financial claims
2.4 Overview of Theoretical Asset Pricing & Empirical Finance
Theoretical Asset Pricing
Empirical Finance
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