
INV-0 Overview

Course Outline

  • Return measurement
  • Gordon growth model
  • Cashflow v.s. discount rate variation
  • Stock return predictability
Asset Pricing
  • Stochastic discount factor
  • Risk-neutral probabilities
  • Arbitrage
  • Law of one price
  • Consumption-based asset pricing
  • Equity premium puzzle
Asset Allocation
  • Mean-variance preferences
  • Tactical asset allocation
  • Stock return predictability
  • Market timing
  • Volatility timing
Mean-Variance Investing
  • Closed form solution for unconstrained solution
  • Short selling constraint
  • Minimum variance portfolio
  • 1/N portfolio
  • Market weights
  • Risk parity
Expected Returns
  • CAPM and Fama-French Model
  • Alpha v.s. Beta risk
  • Regression analysis
  • Portfolio sorts
  • Factor zoo
  • AI and ML
  • Market efficiency
  • Behavioral economics

High-level Introduction

Present Value
where is the cash flow to be received at date , and is the rate of return associated with this stream of cash flows.
Realized v.s. Expected Returns
Realized return equal expected returns plus a shock:
where realized returns can be observed in the data.
Expected component: an investor anticipates the expected return based on historical data, models, or other forecasting methods. It represents the systematic, predictable component of returns, given the available information.
Unexpected component: the unpredictable or random component of returns, often referred to as idiosyncratic risk. This shock arises from unexpected events, news, or other unforeseen occurrences.
Models for Expceted Returns
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):
  • Fama-French model
  • Factor models
  • Statistical model: PCA
Two Cultures
  • Structural model culture (economist): imposing fully or partially specified structural assumptions and investigating economic mechanisms through hypothesis tests.
  • Prediction model culture (data scientist): values statistical explanatory power above all else and is born largely from the limitations of the earlier established structural culture.

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