FCI-4 Binary Search Tree

FCI-4 Binary Search Tree

Delete, Rotate, Balance

Recall that a binary search tree stores an arbitrary number of values in sorted order.
  • Move left subtree up to replace deleted node
  • Move right subtree to right-most leaf of left
notion image
A rotation in a BST involves moving a ndoe below one of its children.
notion image
A BST is balanced if at every node in the tree, the depth of the left subtree is within 1 of the depth of the right subtree, i.e.
A balanced BST has search time, while the worst case for a BST’s search time is when values inserted in order, or reverse order.

Day’s Algorithm

An unbalanced tree can be made balanced via rotations.
Day’s Algorithm:
  • Firstly, use right rotations to linearize the tree to the right, turning the tree into a vine (or called backbone)
  • Secondly, perform left rotations on alternating nodes of the vind, in repeated passes, to construct a balanced tree.
    • Initial backbond length is blen = len(vine) - 1
    • Number of left rotations is m = blen // 2
    • Revised backbone lenght: blen = blen - m - 1
    • Recompute m = blen // 2
      • iterate on m until m = 0
e.g. Create the vine
e.g. Create the vine
e.g. Construct the balanced tree
e.g. Construct the balanced tree

BST Code Implementation

BST class
class BinaryTree: class _BTNode: def __init__(self, value, left = None, right = None): self._value = value self._left = left self._right = right def __init__(self): self._top = None def insert(self, value): if self._top == None: self._top = BinaryTree._BTNode(value) else: self._insert_help(self._top, value) def _insert_help(self, cur_node, value): if value < cur_node._value: if cur_node._left == None: cur_node._left = BinaryTree._BTNode(value) else: self._insert_help(cur_node._left, value) elif value > cur_node._value: if cur_node._right == None: cur_node._right = BinaryTree._BTNode(value) else: self._insert_help(cur_node._right, value) def __str__(self): return self._str_help(self._top) def _str_help(self, cur_node): if cur_node == None: return '' else: left_str = self._str_help(cur_node._left) right_str = self._str_help(cur_node._right) ret = str(cur_node._value) if left_str: ret = left_str + ' ' + ret if right_str: ret = ret + ' ' + right_str return ret def sum(self): return self._sum_help(self._top) def _sum_help(self, cur_node): if cur_node == None: return 0 else: return (self._sum_help(cur_node._left) + cur_node._value + self._sum_help(cur_node._right)) def size(self): return self._size_help(self._top) def _size_help(self, cur_node): if cur_node == None: return 0 else: return (self._size_help(cur_node._left) + 1 + self._size_help(cur_node._right)) def print_pretty(self): return self._print_pretty_help(self._top, 0) def _print_pretty_help(self, cur_node, indent_level): if cur_node == None: return else: self._print_pretty_help(cur_node._right, indent_level + 1) print(' ' * indent_level * 8, cur_node._value) self._print_pretty_help(cur_node._left, indent_level + 1) def depth(self): return self._depth_help(self._top) def _depth_help(self, cur_node): if cur_node == None: return 0 else: left_d = self._depth_help(cur_node._left) right_d = self._depth_help(cur_node._right) return 1 + (left_d if left_d > right_d else right_d) def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def min(self): if self._top == None: return None else: # the minimum is the left-most value cur_node = self._top while cur_node._left != None: cur_node = cur_node._left return cur_node._value def max(self): if self._top == None: return None else: # the maximum is the right-most value cur_node = self._top while cur_node._right != None: cur_node = cur_node._right return cur_node._value def mean(self): if self._top == None: return None else: return self.sum() / self.size() def __contains__(self, value): if self._top == None: return False else: return self._contains_help(self._top, value) def _contains_help(self, cur_node, value): if cur_node == None: return False elif cur_node._value == value: return True elif cur_node._value < value: return self._contains_help(cur_node._right, value) else: # cur_node._value > value return self._contains_help(cur_node._left, value) def copy(self): bt_new = BinaryTree() bt_new._top = self._copy_help(self._top) return bt_new def _copy_help(self, cur_node): if cur_node == None: return None else: return BinaryTree._BTNode(cur_node._value, self._copy_help(cur_node._left), self._copy_help(cur_node._right)) def negate(self): if self._top != None: self._negate_help(self._top) def _negate_help(self, cur_node): if cur_node == None: return else: cur_node._value *= -1 self._negate_help(cur_node._left) self._negate_help(cur_node._right) cur_node._left, cur_node._right = cur_node._right, cur_node._left def delete(self, value): assert self._top, "the tree is empty" p_node = self._BTNode(None, None, self._top) cur_node = self._top while cur_node: if cur_node._value < value: p_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node._right elif cur_node._value > value: p_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node._left else: left_sub, right_sub = cur_node._left, cur_node._right if left_sub: # append right sub on left sub cur_node = left_sub while cur_node._right: cur_node = cur_node._right else: cur_node._right = right_sub else: left_sub = right_sub if not p_node._value or p_node._value < value: p_node._right = left_sub else: p_node._left = left_sub if not p_node._value: # if top is deleted self._top = p_node._right break def is_balanced_helper(self, cur_node): if not cur_node: return True return abs(self._depth_help(cur_node._left) - self._depth_help(cur_node._right)) <= 1 \ and self.is_balanced_helper(cur_node._left) \ and self.is_balanced_helper(cur_node._right) def is_balanced(self): return self.is_balanced_helper(self._top) def rotate_left(self, value): p_node = self._BTNode(None, None, self._top) cur_node = self._top dir = 'right' while cur_node: # find the node if cur_node._value < value: p_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node._right dir = 'right' elif cur_node._value > value: p_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node._left dir = 'left' else: _, right_sub = cur_node._left, cur_node._right cur_node._right = right_sub._left right_sub._left = cur_node if dir == 'right': p_node._right = right_sub else: p_node._left = right_sub if not p_node._value: # if is operating on root node self._top = right_sub break def rotate_right(self, value): p_node = self._BTNode(None, None, self._top) cur_node = self._top dir = 'right' while cur_node: # find the node if cur_node._value < value: p_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node._right dir = 'right' elif cur_node._value > value: p_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node._left dir = 'left' else: left_sub, _ = cur_node._left, cur_node._right cur_node._left = left_sub._right left_sub._right = cur_node if dir == 'right': p_node._right = left_sub else: p_node._left = left_sub if not p_node._value: # if is operating on root node self._top = left_sub break def linearize(self): cur_node = self._top while cur_node: if cur_node._left: self.rotate_right(cur_node._value) self.linearize() else: cur_node = cur_node._right def Day_balance(self): self.linearize() blen = self.size() - 1 m = blen // 2 while m: r_values = [] cur_node = self._top for _ in range(m): r_values.append(cur_node._value) cur_node = cur_node._right._right for v in r_values: self.rotate_left(v) blen -= (m+1) m = blen // 2
Main Script
import BinaryTree_hw3 as bt # 1.a print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + '======【 a 】======' + '\x1b[0m') bt1 = bt.BinaryTree() # an empty BinaryTree bt1.insert(12) bt1.insert(7) bt1.insert(22) bt1.insert(-4) bt1.insert(3) bt1.insert(6) bt1.insert(15) bt1.insert(18) bt2 = bt.BinaryTree() # an empty tree print('bt1:', bt1) # bt1: -4 3 6 7 12 15 18 22 print('bt2:', bt2) # bt2: print('bt1.sum():', bt1.sum()) # bt1.sum(): 79 print('bt1.size():', bt1.size()) # should display 8 print('bt2.size():', bt2.size()) # should display 0 print('\nbt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 15 # 12 # 7 # 6 # 3 # -4 print('\nbt2.print_pretty():') bt2.print_pretty() # should display no output print('bt1.depth():', bt1.depth()) # should display 5 (not 3!) print('bt2.depth():', bt2.depth()) # should display 0 # 1.b print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + '======【 b 】======' + '\x1b[0m') bt1.delete(6) print('\nafter bt1.delete(6): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 15 # 12 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.delete(15) print('\nafter bt1.delete(15): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 12 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.delete(8) # there is no 8: nothing should happen print('\nafter bt1.delete(8): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 12 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.delete(12) print('\nafter bt1.delete(12): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 # 1.c print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + '======【 c 】======' + '\x1b[0m') bt3 = bt.BinaryTree() bt3.insert(8) bt3.insert(14) bt3.insert(12) bt3.insert(19) bt3.insert(15) print('\nbt3.print_pretty():') bt3.print_pretty() # should display: # 19 # 15 # 14 # 12 # 8 print('\nbt1.is_balanced():', bt1.is_balanced()) # True print('\nbt2.is_balanced():', bt2.is_balanced()) # True print('\nbt3.is_balanced():', bt3.is_balanced()) # False # 1.d print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + '======【 d 】======' + '\x1b[0m') print('\nbt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.rotate_left(-4) print('\nafter bt1.rotate_left(-4): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.rotate_left(7) print('\nafter bt1.rotate_left(7): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.rotate_left(2) # nothing happens print('\nafter bt1.rotate_left(2): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 print('\nbt1.is_balanced():', bt1.is_balanced()) # False # 1.e print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + '======【 e 】======' + '\x1b[0m') print('\nbt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.rotate_right(2) # nothing happens print('\nafter bt1.rotate_right(2): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.rotate_right(22) print('\nafter bt1.rotate_right(22): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 bt1.rotate_right(3) print('\nafter bt1.rotate_right(3): bt1.print_pretty():') bt1.print_pretty() # should display: # 22 # 18 # 7 # 3 # -4 print('\nbt1.is_balanced():', bt1.is_balanced()) # True # 1.f print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + '======【 f 】======' + '\x1b[0m') print('\nbt3.print_pretty():') bt3.print_pretty() # should display: # 19 # 15 # 14 # 12 # 8 print('\nbt3.is_balanced():', bt3.is_balanced()) # False bt3.Day_balance() print('\nafter bt3.Day_balance(): bt3.print_pretty():') bt3.print_pretty() print('\nbt3.is_balanced():', bt3.is_balanced()) # True bt4 = bt.BinaryTree() for j in range(20): bt4.insert(j) print('\nbt4.print_pretty():') bt4.print_pretty() print('\nbt4.is_balanced():', bt4.is_balanced()) # False bt4.Day_balance() print('\nafter bt4.Day_balance(): bt4.print_pretty():') bt4.print_pretty() print('\nbt4.is_balanced():', bt4.is_balanced()) # True

AVL Tree

AVL tree and Red-Black Tree are both self-balancing trees. The self-balancing BST remains balanced after each insert or delete.
In an AVL Tree, each node is augmented with the height of the node. The node’s balance factor is then BF(node) = height(node.left) - height(node.right)
  • if BF(node) > 0: the node is left-heavy
  • if BF(node) < 0: the node is right-heavy
  • if BF(node) == 0: the node is balanced
When we insert or delete a node, we must maintain the balance factor invariant for each node, within the values of . Therefore, we need to check the BF at each node on the way up to the top, a BF of +-2 requires rotation to restore balance. Four cases:
  • BF(cur) > 1 and BF(cur._left) β‰₯ 0
    • notion image
  • BF(cur) > 1 and BF(cur._left) < 0
    • notion image
  • BF(cur) < -1 and BF(cur._right) ≀ 0
    • notion image
  • BF(cur) < -1 and BF(cur._right) > 0
    • notion image
AVL Class Implementation
class AVLTree: class _AVLNode: def __init__(self, value): self._value = value self._left = None self._right = None self._ht = 1 # a new node has _ht of 1 def __init__(self): self._top = None def insert(self, v): if self._top is None: self._top = AVLTree._AVLNode(v) else: self._top = self._insert_helper(self._top, v) def _insert_helper(self, cur, v): # insert the new v if v < cur._value: if cur._left is None: cur._left = self._AVLNode(v) else: cur._left = self._insert_helper(cur._left, v) elif v > cur._value: # pass # !!! FINISH ME !!! if cur._right is None: cur._right = self._AVLNode(v) else: cur._right = self._insert_helper(cur._right, v) # update the current node's height cur._ht = 1 + self._max_child_height(cur) # check balance factor, and rotate as necessary bf = self._bal_factor(cur) if bf > 1 and v < cur._left._value: cur = self._rotate_right(cur) elif bf < -1 and v > cur._right._value: cur = self._rotate_left(cur) elif bf > 1 and v > cur._left._value: cur._left = self._rotate_left(cur._left) cur = self._rotate_right(cur) elif bf < -1 and v < cur._right._value: cur._right = self._rotate_right(cur._right) cur = self._rotate_left(cur) return cur def _max_child_height(self, cur): lf_ht = 0 if not cur._left else cur._left._ht rt_ht = 0 if not cur._right else cur._right._ht return max(lf_ht, rt_ht) def _bal_factor(self, cur): lf_ht = 0 if not cur._left else cur._left._ht rt_ht = 0 if not cur._right else cur._right._ht return lf_ht - rt_ht def _rotate_left(self, cur): rt = cur._right rt_lf = rt._left rt._left = cur cur._right = rt_lf cur._ht = 1 + self._max_child_height(cur) rt._ht = 1 + self._max_child_height(rt) return rt def _rotate_right(self, cur): # pass # !!! FINISH ME !!! lt = cur._left lt_rt = lt._right lt._right = cur cur._left = lt_rt cur._ht = 1 + self._max_child_height(cur) lt._ht = 1 + self._max_child_height(lt) return lt def print_pretty(self): self._print_pretty_help(self._top, 0) def _print_pretty_help(self, cur, space): # iterate by right->middle->left if cur == None: return space += 8 self._print_pretty_help(cur._right, space) # print right print('') for i in range(8, space): print(end=" ") print(f"{cur._value} ({cur._ht})") # print middle self._print_pretty_help(cur._left, space) # print right! def delete(self, v): # pass # !!! FINISH ME !!! if self._top is None: return else: self._top = self._delete_helper(self._top, v) def _delete_helper(self, cur, v): if not cur: return cur # Search for the node to delete if v < cur._value: cur._left = self._delete_helper(cur._left, v) elif v > cur._value: cur._right = self._delete_helper(cur._right, v) else: # Node with only one child or no child (Case 1, 2) if not cur._left: return cur._right elif not cur._right: return cur._left # Node with two children, get the in-order successor (Case 3) temp = self._get_min_value_node(cur._right) cur._value = temp._value cur._right = self._delete_helper(cur._right, temp._value) # Update height of the current node cur._ht = 1 + self._max_child_height(cur) # Check balance factor and apply rotations if necessary bf = self._bal_factor(cur) # Left heavy if bf > 1 and self._bal_factor(cur._left) >= 0: return self._rotate_right(cur) if bf > 1 and self._bal_factor(cur._left) < 0: cur._left = self._rotate_left(cur._left) return self._rotate_right(cur) # Right heavy if bf < -1 and self._bal_factor(cur._right) <= 0: return self._rotate_left(cur) if bf < -1 and self._bal_factor(cur._right) > 0: cur._right = self._rotate_right(cur._right) return self._rotate_left(cur) return cur def _get_min_value_node(self, cur): if cur is None or cur._left is None: return cur return self._get_min_value_node(cur._left) def is_AVLTree(self): # a tree is an AVL tree if it is a BST and its height values are correct return self._is_valid_BST(self._top) and self._has_valid_heights(self._top) def _is_valid_BST(self, cur): if cur is None: return True if cur._left and cur._left._value >= cur._value: return False if cur._right and cur._right._value <= cur._value: return False return self._is_valid_BST(cur._left) and self._is_valid_BST(cur._right) def _has_valid_heights(self, cur): if cur is None: return True if cur._ht != 1 + max(self._height(cur._left), self._height(cur._right)): return False return self._has_valid_heights(cur._left) and self._has_valid_heights(cur._right) def _height(self, node): if node is None: return 0 return 1 + max(self._height(node._left), self._height(node._right))
AVL main script
import numpy as np import AVLTree as avl # 1.a -- test the insert() method print('\nTesting left-side inserts...') t1 = avl.AVLTree() for k in range(100, -1, -10): t1.insert(k) print('after t1.insert(' + str(k) + '):', end=' ') if t1.is_AVLTree(): print('t1 is a valid AVL Tree') else: print('t1 is NOT a valid AVL Tree!') exit(0) input('Left-side insert tests complete. Press Enter to continue...') print('\nTesting right-side inserts...') t2 = avl.AVLTree() for k in range(0, 101, 10): t2.insert(k) print('after t2.insert(' + str(k) + '):', end=' ') if t2.is_AVLTree(): print('t2 is a valid AVL Tree') else: print('t2 is NOT a valid AVL Tree!') exit(0) input('Right-side insert tests complete. Press Enter to continue...') print('\nTesting random inserts...') np.random.seed(0) t3 = avl.AVLTree() for k in range(30): val = np.random.randint(-100, 100) t3.insert(val) print('after t3.insert(' + str(val) + '):', end=' ') if t3.is_AVLTree(): print('t3 is a valid AVL Tree') else: print('t3 is NOT a valid AVL Tree!') exit(0) input('Random insert tests complete. Press Enter to continue...') # 1.b -- test the print_pretty() method t4 = avl.AVLTree() print('\nt4 initially contains:') t4.print_pretty() # should display an empty line input('\nDone displaying initial t4. Press Enter to continue...') t4.insert(12) t4.insert(9) t4.insert(5) print('\nt4 after inserts of 12, 9, and 5:') t4.print_pretty() # should display val (ht) for each node, approximately like this: # 12 (1) # 9 (2) # 5 (1) input('\nDone displaying t4 after three inserts. Press Enter to continue...') print('\nt1:') t1.print_pretty() input('\nDone displaying t1. Press Enter to continue...') print('\nt2:') t2.print_pretty() input('\nDone displaying t2. Press Enter to continue...') print('\nt3:') t3.print_pretty() input('\nDone displaying t3. Press Enter to continue...') # 1.c -- test random inserts and deletes np.random.seed(0) a50 = np.random.randint(-100, 100, 50) # 50 random ints, from -100 to 100 a50_copy = a50.copy() np.random.shuffle(a50_copy) # shuffle a50_copy values in random order t5 = avl.AVLTree() for i in a50: t5.insert(i) print('t5 after 50 random inserts:') t5.print_pretty() input('\nDone displaying t5. Press Enter to continue...') for i in range(25): t5.delete(a50_copy[i]) # delete a value known to be in t5 t5.delete(np.random.randint(-100, 100)) # delete a value that may or may not be in t5 print('t5 after 50 random deletes:') t5.print_pretty() input('\nDone displaying t5. Press Enter to continue...')

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