0-1 Knapsack
Typical inputs:
- weight → List
- value → List
- budget → int
- Each item can be chosen only once or not
- Total weight of the items chosen should be less than the budget
def Knapsack01(weight, value, budget): dp = [0] * (budget + 1) for i in range(len(weight)): # loop from end to beginnig to ensure each item only being added at most once for j in range(budget, value[i]-1, -1): dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j - weight[i]] + value[i]) return dp[-1]
Complete Knapsack
Typical inputs:
- weight → List
- value → List
- budget → int
- Each item can be chosen for any times or zero time.
- Total weight of the items chosen should be less than the budget
def Knapsack_com(weight, value, budget): dp = [0] * (budget + 1) for i in range(len(weight)): # loop from beginning to end because each item can be added any times for j in range(value[i], budget+1): dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j - weight[i]] + value[i]) return dp[-1]
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