Necessity for Multiple Regression ModelEstimation and Interpretation1. Esitmation2. InterpretationProperties of OLS Estimators1. Goodness of Fit2. Expected Value and VarianceGauss-Markov TheoremA Few Practical Issues1. Excluding a relevant variable2. Including irrelevant variables3. Multicollinearity
Necessity for Multiple Regression Model
- Descriptive analysis: sometimes we want to estimate the conditional mean of on multiple variables.
- Causal estimation: we know that something other than may affect , so we explicitly control them.
- Forecasting: we want to use more variables to better predict .
Estimation and Interpretation
1. Esitmation
Zero conditional mean assumption
1.1 Sample Analogue
1.2 Ordianry Least Squares
define the fitted value: , thus, the residual is
The sum of residual squares
using OLS, we derive
The first order conditions are
Above two methods to estimate coefficients are mathematically equivalent. We can solve them by hand or simply using STATA:
reg y x1 x2 x3
1.3 Partialling Out Method
can be obtained by:
- Regress on other independent variables (including the constant), obtain the residual .
- Regress on (including the constant). The resulting slope coefficient is .
- The residual are the part of that is uncorrelated with other . It is after the effects of other have been partialled out, or netted out.
- Thus, measures the sample relationship between and after other has been partialled out.
1.4 Frisch-Watgh-Lovell Theorem
- Regress on other independent variables (including the constant), obtain the residual .
- Regress on other independent variables (including the constant), obtain the residual .
- Regress on . The resulting slope coefficient is .
Note that when we use F-W-L theorem, in the final step, wheter there is a intercept in the model does not affect since
2. Interpretation
Causal Perspective
thus, , when is held fixed, .
Therefor, the coefficient of represents holding fixed other factors, the change in when
increases by on unit.
Properties of OLS Estimators
1. Goodness of Fit
Similar to the simple linear regression model, we can prove that:
define .
For the same model, we can reduce by adding more independent variables, for example
This implies that adding more independent variables will never reduce the .
Use adjusted instead:
- is the size of sample, represents the number of independent variales (excluding the constant).
- In this way, we add penalty when adding more independent variables.
2. Expected Value and Variance
2.1 Expected Value
Under some assumptions, the OLS estimator can have the desired feature — Unbiasedness
- MLR.1 Linear in Parameters:
Coefficients are linear similar to the restriction of SLR.1.
- MLR.2 Random Sampling:
Data () in the sample are iid (following the population model).
- MLR.3 No Perfect Collinearity
- Any independer variable should not be an exact linear combination of the other independent variables.
- MLR.3 is different from SLR.3. However, it is related to the assumption that there is variation in . If has no variation, then it is perfectly correlated with the constant.
- MLR.4 Zero Contional Mean —
Under MLR.1 - MLR.4
2.2 Expected Value
Add another assumption:
MLR.5 Homoskedasticity —
MLR.1 - MLR.5 are collectively known as the Gauss-Markov assumptions
Under the Gauss-Markov assumptions,
where is the total sample variation in , and is the R-squared from regressing on all other independent variables (including the intercept).
is unknown which should be estimated. The unbiased estimator of is :
- Degree of freedom is because we have restrictions on the OLS residuls (there are equations we used when derive the coefficients).
- Under MLR.1 - MLR.5 .
Standard Deviation and Standard Error of
Gauss-Markov Theorem
Under Assumptions MLR.1 through MLR.5, are the best linear unbiased estimators(BLUE) of respectively.
- Linear:
is a linear estimator of iff it can be expressed as a linear function of the data on the dependent variable, i.e.
- Best:
for the current theorem, best is defined as having the smallest variance. Given two unbiased estimators, it is reasonable to prefer the one with the smallest variance.
A Few Practical Issues
1. Excluding a relevant variable
Underspecifying the model
Compare the simple regression model and multiple regression model
- Regress on . The estimated model is
- Regress on and . The estimated model is
Therefore, the relationship between coefficients in the tow models is , where is the slope coefficient regressing on .
So if we excluding a relevant variable (which is called omitted variable) Then there will be omitted variable bias. Assume and we only regress on . Then . Thus
2. Including irrelevant variables
Overspecifying the model
I t means that one (or more) of the independent variables is included in the model even though it has no partial effect on in the population. (That is, its population coeffcient is zero.)
Mathematically, we say is irrelevant if
which means .
Including will not affect the unbiasedness of other estimators, but will increase their variances.
3. Multicollinearity
High (but not perfect) correlation between two or more independent variables
Since , when increases, also increases. If , then
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