

BackTracking is an elegant version of brute force, used to solve problem like
  • Combination
  • Permutation
  • Subgroup
  • String Cutting (Partition)
  • N Queens
BackTracking can be modeled as traversing a N-branch tree.
def backtracking(**args): if (...): # ending condition # save results return for (...): # select children of this level # handle node backtracking(...) # recursion # cancel operation
E.g. For combination
def Solution(iList, k): # n choose k from iList def backtracking(startIndex, path, result): if len(path) == k: result.append(path) return for i in range(startIndex, n): backtracking(i + 1, path + [iList[i]], result) result = [] backtracking(0, [], result) return result
  • If order doesn’t matter (we do not want [a, b, c] & [c, b, a] together), use startIndex (combination, partition, subgroup). Otherwise, use range(0, n) (permutation)

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